Short Films

Bare Bones

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

A new take on the “I want you to kill my dad” Scene from Sam Mendes’ American Beauty

Fully Screwed

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

A series of ironic dark comedy sitcom pilots, that comment on the stereotypical patriarch usually portrayed in the ‘ideal family unit’ sitcom. The show follows a quiet depressed house wife trapped with a ‘Honey I’m Home’ kind of husband, and travels down a dark road.


Cinematography by: Arianna Frankin

Starring: Nick Blum, Yvette Marie, Bradley Breeden

An adaptation of a scene from Tracy Lett’s play Bug. Tensions run high with Agnes, when her brother and boyfriend get in a drug related altercation about the presents of bugs in their apartment


Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

Jake, the assassin and Cindy, a police station paper worker, engage in a reflection of their life choices after having an affair in Florida

Welcome Home

Co-directed by Cimi Grace, Arianna Franklin & Jake Glaviano

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Erica Constancio, Sean Kilmurray

Erica learns of the death of her parents and returns home, to an unwanted greeting from a pushy neighbor, who turns out to be more than meets the eye

Neck Deep

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin,

An experimental film showing a dancer turned addict slipping slowly into insanity


Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

A girl with Schizophrenia struggles against her inner voices


Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

Two people break up at a party and only then truly connect with each other

Amour Viene

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Zach Grossman

A theatrical actress is pushed to her breaking point and gives the performance of a lifetime when her boyfriend doesn’t receive her work the way she expects.


Co-Directed by: Cimi Grace & Jake Glaviano

A documentary following the life of 99 Year old George Farrow highlighting his time spent in WWII and the love of his life, Elsie


Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin, Cimi Grace

Two victims of war hide in silence awaiting to be discovered by enemy soldiers

The Trapper

Cinematography by: Jake Glaviano

Starring: Arianna Franklin,

An experimental music video showing the destruction of a wealthy aristocrat